Environment, Transport

& Sustainability Committee




24 November 2020




Virtual Meeting (Microsoft Teams)


Note: in response to current Government Regulations this meeting is being held as a virtual meeting for councillors and accessible via Skype. Public speaking and engagement opportunities will be made available.


The meeting will also be webcast live to the internet.


Councillors: Heley (Chair), Lloyd (Deputy Chair), Wilkinson (Opposition Spokesperson), Wares (Group Spokesperson), Appich, Brown, Davis, Fowler, Hills and Williams


John Peel

Democratic Services Officer

01273 291058



























Agendas and minutes are published on the council’s website www.brighton-hove.gov.uk.  Agendas are available to view five working days prior to the meeting date.


Electronic agendas can also be accessed through our meetings app available through ModernGov: iOS/Windows/Android


This agenda and all accompanying reports are printed on recycled paper



















33       Procedural Business



(a)         Declarations of Substitutes:  Where councillors are unable to attend a meeting, a substitute Member from the same political group may attend, speak and vote in their place for that meeting.


(b)         Declarations of Interest: 


(a)      Disclosable pecuniary interests;

(b)      Any other interests required to be registered under the local code;

(c)      Any other general interest as a result of which a decision on the matter might reasonably be regarded as affecting you or a partner more than a majority of other people or businesses in the ward/s affected by the decision.


In each case, you need to declare

(i)        the item on the agenda the interest relates to;

(ii)      the nature of the interest; and

(iii)     whether it is a disclosable pecuniary interest or some other interest.


If unsure, Members should seek advice from the committee lawyer or administrator preferably before the meeting.


(c)          Exclusion of Press and Public:  To consider whether, in view of the nature of the business to be transacted or the nature of the proceedings, the press and public should be excluded from the meeting when any of the following items are under consideration.


Note:  Any item appearing in Part Two of the agenda states in its heading the category under which the information disclosed in the report is exempt from disclosure and therefore not available to the press and public. A list and description of the exempt categories is available for public inspection at Brighton and Hove Town Halls and on-line in the Constitution at part 7.1.





34       Minutes

7 - 60


To consider the minutes of the meeting held on 29 September 2020.



Contact Officer:

John Peel

Tel: 01273 291058





35       Chairs Communications





36       Call Over



(a)          Items 39 – 49 will be read out at the meeting and Members invited to reserve the items for consideration.


(b)          Those items not reserved will be taken as having been received and the reports’ recommendations agreed.





37       Public Involvement

61 - 62


To consider the following matters raised by members of the public:


(a)      Petitions: To receive any petitions presented by members of the public to the full Council or at the meeting itself.


(i)           Seven Dials cycle storage


(b)      Written Questions: To receive any questions submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 18 November 2020.


(c)       Deputations: To receive any deputations submitted by the due date of 12 noon on the 18 November 2020.





38       Member Involvement

63 - 68


To consider the following matters raised by Members:


(a)      Petitions: To receive any petitions submitted;


(i)           Keep Princes Street Pedestrianised- Councillor Childs

(ii)          A new crossing and traffic calming for Freshfield Road- Councillor Childs


(b)      Written Questions: To consider any written questions;


(i)           Stanmer Village parking- Councillor Wares

(ii)          Old Shoreham Road- Councillor Wares

(iii)        Transport Partnership- Councillor Wares

(iv)        Task & Finish Groups- Councillor Wares

(v)          Urgency Powers- Councillor Wares

(vi)        CCTV- Councillor Wares


(c)      Letters: To consider any letters;


(d)      Notices of Motion: to consider any Notices of Motion referred from Council or submitted directly to the Committee.


(i)           Temporary Cycle Lane on Old Shoreham Road- Conservative Group












39       Open Spaces Strategy Update

69 - 90


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Paul Campbell

Tel: 07816753581



Ward Affected:

All Wards






40       Fleet Strategy

91 - 126


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Ian Greene

Tel: 01273 294707



Ward Affected:

All Wards






41       Household Waste Recycling Sites

127 - 130


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Lynsay Cook

Tel: 01273 291851



Ward Affected:

All Wards






42       Keeping the city clean

131 - 164


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Lynsay Cook

Tel: 01273 291851



Ward Affected:

All Wards






43       Impact of Tree Diseases

165 - 176


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Robert Walker

Tel: 01273 294349



Ward Affected:

All Wards










44       Emergency Active Travel measures - Blue Badge holder parking and access for disabled people

177 - 186


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Mark Prior

Tel: 01273 292095



Ward Affected:

All Wards






45       Parking Annual Report 2019-2020

187 - 240


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Paul Nicholls

Tel: 01273 293287



Ward Affected:

All Wards






46       Parking Permit Review

241 - 252


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Peter Turner

Tel: 01273 295890



Ward Affected:

All Wards





47       Parking Scheme Update Report

253 - 270


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Catherine Dignan

Tel: 01273 292235



Ward Affected:

Patcham; Preston Park; Withdean






48       Frederick Gardens request for gates

271 - 276


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Andrew Westwood

Tel: 01273 292468



Ward Affected:

St Peter's & North Laine






49       BTN  Bikeshare Reorganisation

277 - 390


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture



Contact Officer:

Matthew Thompson

Tel: 01273 293705



Ward Affected:

All Wards










50       BTN Bikeshare reorganisation - Exempt Category 3

391 - 418


Report of the Executive Director, Economy, Environment & Culture (copy circulated to Members only)



Contact Officer:

Matthew Thompson

Tel: 01273 293705



Ward Affected:

All Wards






51       Part Two Proceedings



To consider whether the items listed in Part Two of the agenda and decisions thereon should remain exempt from disclosure to the press and public.





52       Items referred for Full Council



To consider items to be submitted to the 17 December 2020 Council meeting for information.


In accordance with Procedure Rule 24.3a, the Committee may determine that any item is to be included in its report to Council. In addition, any Group may specify one further item to be included by notifying the Chief Executive no later than 10am on the eighth working day before the Council meeting at which the report is to be made, or if the Committee meeting take place after this deadline, immediately at the conclusion of the Committee meeting







In response to the current situation with Covid-19 and the easing of Regulations, this Committee meeting will be held virtually via Skype and web cast simultaneously. 


The City Council actively welcomes members of the public and the press to attend its meetings and holds as many of its meetings as possible in public.  Provision is also made on the agendas for public questions to committees and details of how questions can be raised can be found on the website and/or on agendas for the meetings.


The closing date for receipt of public questions and deputations for the next meeting is 12 noon on the fourth working day before the meeting.


For those members of the public wishing to actively take part in the meeting a link will be emailed so that they can join the meeting.


Meeting papers can be provided, on request, in large print, in Braille, on audio tape or on disc, or translated into any other language as requested.



This meeting may be filmed for live or subsequent broadcast via the Council’s website.  At the start of the meeting the Chair will confirm if all or part of the meeting is being filmed.  You should be aware that the Council is a Data Controller under the Data Protection Act 1998.  Data collected during this web cast will be retained in accordance with the Council’s published policy.


Therefore, by joining the meeting via the link provided you are deemed to be consenting to being filmed and to the possible use of those images and sound recordings for the purpose of web casting and/or Member training.  If members of the public do not wish to have their image captured, they should ensure they do not use the skype video facility and provide a static image.



For further details and general enquiries about this meeting contact John Peel, (01273 291058, email john.peel@brighton-hove.gov.uk) or email democratic.services@brighton-hove.gov.uk


Date of Publication - Monday, 16 November 2020



























Contact Officer:





Ward Affected:












Contact Officer:





Ward Affected: